Dungeons and Dragons vol.2





Dungeons and Dragons vol.2 ~The Journey Continues~

2022. 1 . 20付けブログ Dungeons and Dragons はこちら


 After Golden Week this year I taught a Dungeons and Dragons elective class. 

I knew that Dungeons and Dragons involved group co-operation, creative thinking and creative problem solving: all good skills for students to practice.

And since I would be running the game, I knew that it would also involve a lot of listening and speaking in English.


I wasn’t sure whether students would want to try Dungeons and Dragons or if they would enjoy it, but due to popular demand I’ll oversee two groups for August and September.

One group will continue the story that they had started before the summer vacation. They’ll continue their efforts to rescue their friend then head to a town full of problems they can help with. 

The other group will attempt to escape from a small island struck by a sudden catastrophic event.


 I look forward to seeing all the creative solutions the students will come up with.




今年のゴールデン ウィーク後、ダンジョンズ & ドラゴンズ講座を開きました。

ダンジョンズ & ドラゴンズは、グループ内の協力だけでなく、創造的思考力や問題解決能力を必要とします。これらはすべて、生徒たちが現実的な問題に立ち向かうために必要な、素晴らしいスキルです。



 生徒たちがダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズに挑戦したいと思うか、楽しんでくれるかどうかは不安はありましたが、要望があったため、8 月と 9 月に 2 講座を開講することにしました。


